Charles Dickens once said that Little Red Riding Hood was his first love, and if only he could marry her, had known happiness. For me and other women I know, our hearts were won by Peter Pan - this charming, funny, exasperating a child, the murderer of the pirates and intimate story. But in our generation, we met Peter played by actress Mary Martin (in a television version of the play of Peter Pan), which created some confusion of genres. Peter was a boy who was in love, or a tomboy spirit that wanted to be? We alternated between comedy Wendy, flying through the stars with Peter, and comedy as Peter himself, to attack the pirates on the Jolly Roger. We dreamed of flying, and fairy dust, and Indian drums sound in the woods, and insisted on the window of the room, leaving cracks in the case of Peter has appeared. And then they grew up, of course, like all children (except one) to do.
Peter Pan was just a breeze and a sappy Disney movie. But they say the first love is strong. Peter influence may be stronger than we knew - all of us have spent our lives in search of adventure in books, art, and on foreign shores. Our hearts still faster to the sound of a drum, or the smile of a boy incredible. Today, December 27, Peter Pan around 100 years. This article is dedicated to him and his creator, the Scottish writer Sir James M. Barrie.
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JM Barrie was already a famous writer and playwright, as he began to write his first and only children's games, he completed and offered to theater producer Charles Frohman spring of 1904th it was unlike anything that has never been presented to children on stage in London before, but he loved Frohman - apart from the title, Barrie welcome change from the Grand Blanc Father Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow. (Great White Father is what Peter called Tiger Lily and his contempt.) Although it has roots in the tradition of British pantomime, Peter Pan was a dish totally original mix of pirates, desert island stories, the Indian adventure and adventure wrapped around a satire of family life in Edwardian London. Frohman took a huge commercial risk to host a game in over fifty plays and players wired to hover over the scene. Nobody knew if this game would be absurd to work, especially its author anxious.
It is open, Barrie was sick nerves, holding his breath at a crucial time, when Peter asks the audience to clap if they believe in fairies. What happens if you do not beat at all? But the audience responded with wild applause as the actress playing Peter burst into tears.
The opening game in December 1904 is now regarded as the birthday of Peter, as it marks the emergence of Peter, as we know him, sword in hand and Tinker Bell by his side. But he really started two years earlier in the novel for adults Barrie Little White Bird. narrator of the novel is a crusty bachelor, who lives near Kensington Gardens, where he meets a boy and a close relationship with him. He charms the boy with stories of fairies, and a race-away baby named Peter Pan, who lives in birds and fairies on an island in the Serpentine Lake. All babies were once the birds, he tells the boy, and they still have the ability to fly. Parents, he warns, must keep their windows closed, so their babies do not fly at night. Peter Pan is a baby who once heard his mother talk about the life he led when he was grown up, causing him to fly to Kensington Gardens to avoid this fate.